VanBoxmeer & Stranges
Engineering Ltd.
Western University
Project Cost
Thames Hall Renovation - Western University
This project involves a full renovation and retrofit of the 86,436sq.ft. Thames Hall building including mechanical systems, electrical systems, fire suppression systems, and building envelope upgrades. There will be an additional floor area of roughly 24,250sq.ft. into the former pool and gymnasium areas. Re-alignment of stairs and elevators will be necessary to provide a barrier free access to all areas of the building. The renovated building will house administration, offices, classrooms and research labs for the School of Kinesiology, and a newly imagined Wellness Centre (a one-stop facility for students, staff and faculty health services), and student study space.
The owner will be pursuing LEED certification for this renovation project.
architects Tillmann Ruth Robinson Inc.
40 Lambton Dr, London, ON N6G 2V4, Canada